Queen Info Database
Queen Info Database

Spread Your Wings is a song by Queen.

It is the fifth song and second single from the 1977 album "News Of The World" and was written by bassist John Deacon. It was released on 10 February 1978 with "Sheer Heart Attack" on the B-side.


Music Video[]

The video was filmed by Bruce Gowers in Roger Taylor's outside garden in January 1978, which was the same place they filmed "We Will Rock You".


  • It is the only single on the album to be written by John Deacon.
  • It is the second song out of the two have it's music video filmed in Taylor's backyard garden, with the other being We Will Rock You.
  • Deacon stated that he wrote this song and released it as a single because the band regretted releasing Tie Your Mother Down with You & I
  • In the music video for the song, the piano is seen to be played by John Deacon, while in the actual recording, the piano is played by Freddie Mercury.
  • It is the second Queen song to have John Deacon play the piano, the first being "You're My Best Friend"